How old is your star jasmine?
I got 3 about 5 years ago. I moved one to a better spot after it not doing anything and it's still only a foot.
The one at the back with the thin trail isn't trained that well and still isn't all that.
The one at the front really got going after year 2 or 3 I think, and now with the rain and a shit load of food looks like it is going nuts.
That one has had one flower in all the time I've had it. Still it's one more than the others. Praying that this year with lots of feed it'll flower.
I got it because of the potassium (and it was recommended somewhere) - it's got double the quantity of potassium to nitrogen, would that not even it out?
The Star Jasmin is growing away like it's never done before.
Such a frustrating bind to be in. I guess I'll just hold off on more fertiliser for the smaller one at the back to see if the Daphne recovers.
Chives are flowing. I always bore everyone with this, but I think chives are such a fucking brilliant thing to plant. Grow almost anywhere without care and give you early green, food and nice flowers.