Trades do get together and complain about the rub of the green that's for sure but the guys I know are generally like me, managing properties for the long term and dealing with clients they know well. If a regular client calls me to report a leak I'll attend asap, if it's someone I fixed a light switch for then maybe not.
The depressing part is not being able to get more done faster, please the customer and earn more money.
I have a particular plumber I use for small jobs (leaky tap, valve swaps etc) as he said to me that's the kind of work he prefers. He just doesn't like being on the big installs for weeks at a time as he gets bored. It must be that he just has a lot of small jobs on at the minute.
My builder is a new firm and I met him before he broke away from his old one and we had a frank conversation about the fact that I am looking for someone long term as there is A LOT to do in this place and then the continuing maintenance and I'm not after the cheapest or even quickest, just someone who can communicate. Just a let down that within a month or so it's gone the opposite way to what he said to my face. Now, obviously he's just taken on too much work given it's a new enterprise, but it doesn't stop it from annoying me. He could be getting a couple of grand a month from us for nothing overly taxing/complex (for a pro) and then a grand or so a year for general maintenance work.
Whoops, double post.
I am sympathetic, to a point. And again if it's "I don't know when I can do this" or "I'm too busy to be there any time this month". Then at least I can manage my expectations.
But I suppose this (my reaction) is the thing that you are saying depresses you. Hopefully my builder and plumber have a similar forum where they can rant about how much of a cunt I am.