Cheers dude :) was kinda hoping I could manage 38 SKs but I guess we'll have to see.
Ended up messaging an eBay seller in Berlin after I missed out on a different Pacer on the off-chance it fell through. Turns out he has/had a bunch of Kuwaharas and ended up selling me a slightly nicer one, which was pretty good.
What size/profile are those tyres? Might be interested but I'm finding myself leaning towards the pink as well.
Yeah, I'll probably have to do a build thread, finally! Just noticed it takes a 27.0 post so that's messed up one plan already. On the plus side, this one does have the original stem so hopefully that's not some annoyingly narrow clamp size (hoping to get 25.4/26mm bars in). Should be fun...
Amazing. Stoked for you that it came through!
38mm SK on the front will be fine, 100%. For me, a 35mm SK on the rear meant I had to cut off all the little injection moulding hairy bits on the tyre to stop them rubbing the stays.
The ones I have here spare are 35mm slick purple. No worries if they're not what you're after - just on the off chance. Pink will look sick.
Excited to see it come together.
Sick! Where'd you find it? Really looking forward to seeing the build.
I actually have a new, unused set of purple GKs here that I bought for the same reason, if you wanted them...
Slick 38s are fine. There's probs clearance for 40-42mm at the fork to be honest, but the chainstays are pretty tight. I had some 35mm GravelKing SKs (the knobbly ones) on there for a while and, clearance at the chainstays was pretty minimal to be honest.
There's someone on instagram who claims to have got 42mm tyres in, but he's lying / has narrow rims / hasn't measured actual inflated width.