• I think I may have witnessed a new environment for the wanker hybrid beyond the bougie deli bike stand.
    The Trail centre coffee shop. I ventured to deepest Perthshire (RIP Desmond Carrington) and found a nearly full car park at a renowned trail centre. After a bimble round a deserted red route and a picnic we stopped at the coffee shop so I could drink a cold Coke and smoke cigarettes.
    There seems to be low level scene where it's the thing for Rapha clad centrist dads to ride around the 'skills area' on a wanker hybrid accompanied by Isla bike riding offspring. I had the strong sense that bouncers, normal coke and cigarettes were unwelcome.

  • Bouncers, coke and cigarettes sounds more like a club, not a trail centre. I'd rather not be huffing on cigarette smoke at the trail centre to be fair.
