Thanks! I patched a few bits together and created this.
Weather is supposed to improve from the week after next when I will be up there.HT550 sets off tomorrow, so will follow for any route conditions update.
I am a bit unsure at km 184, going around the lake might not be the best idea given the amount of rainfall lately. Might follow the HT550 route there or cut West at km 172 if condition are bad. Has anyone got any first hand experience?
Also, I'd like to renew my invitation to nayone living locally wanting to join for a day or few.
fyi the route over the clydeside expressway at the SECC is shut off at the moment as the place is used for vaccinations etc
probably better going a bit further west along the clyde and cross at the Kelvin River, then up Ferry road, then Byres road, and join the kelvin walkway via Kelvin drive. The earlier bit of the kelvin walkway is rubbish for riding anyway as it is so narrow and busy with dog walkers etc
We moved to Palnackie near the end of your route (just before you get to Dalbeattie forest) not too long ago.
Currently awaiting the birth of child number 2 any day now, so I expect I'll be quite occupied around that time (!) but more than happy to lend a hand if you run into any problems on the route around here 👍
the bottom half of the faultline trail (http://www.albannach.cc/thefaultlinetrail/) is a good starting point. I've not ridden this route but I assume it would be cracking (from same guy behind the flt): https://www.komoot.com/tour/362446104
I'm also going to keep an eye out for people posting rides on strava with these routes: https://raidersgravel.com/routes/