I can't help but be a little but curious as to why you were invested in Romeo Power.
I don't know anything about the stock but at first glance, it looks like a long shot.
I also have some form with long shots. My holding in Falcon Oil and Gas ended up being worth £15, which was also the transaction cost of selling it. The Hungarian gas field they had discovered somehow didn't end up working.
You know nothing about the stock but curious as to why I was invested?
Well I was interested because all of the prospectuses and investor info had pretty compelling info - just turns out most of it was lies. Hence class action, generally that’s not something you’re allowed to do.
I’m either investing money in tech that I use or understand or renewable/environmental ideas. Most recently I’ve decided to start investing in woodland and woodlanding farm land.
Joined the class action against Romeo power, trying to work out if Im actually suitable (bc Im based in UK) but would be nice as I've lost a...bit