• So what was the difference between the 912 and the 911s of this era, engine?

    What is the market value for a good condition 912 these days? I have no clue just know they were a lot cheaper than the 911s when i was looking some 15 years ago but suspect they too took of to ridiculous amounts?

  • So what was the difference between the 912 and the 911s of this era, engine?

    It's a four cylinder engine instead of six isn't it? Like a budget version.

    There's one around the corner from me in beautiful condition which looks spectacular. I've seen it drive fairly regularly, it does sound a little disappointing.

  • Correct. Smaller four cylinder engine very heavily related to the familiar VW flat four, cheaper than the contemporary 911. The engine is lighter and closer to the centre of the car, being slightly shorter, not that I expect I’d be able to tell the difference.
