in the ongoing infighting within wanker bikes, driven primarily by the radical left of the party supporting a return to chromoly and 29 inch wheels, fractures are showing. The often described as "sensible" edge, supporting two by drive trains and 26 inch wheels are coming under fire, they feel unjustly.
the argument poses that retro mtb politics are far too diluted for wanker hybrids to exist in long term, the user base is separated across parties such as ssmtb union party and the retro bike independence party, neither have had mainstream success in recent years. usually outperformed by far more attractive and conservative ideals of the drop bar movement. many of wanker bikes foundational members believe they should continue to capture the wild entry they had into the scene just weeks ago with the proposition of a new type of bike politics, wankery and arguably, financially irresponsible expenditure
the argument against this is that there is not enough wank to go around, people are desperate to get into such an emerging, radical movement which could be seen as elitist and authoritarian, by liberalising the entry requirements they could expect long term stability. the is mount defenders refute this, saying it's this milk toast, electorate chasing guff which lead to the recent destruction of the gravel bike party, as they let cx bike and road bikes with 30c tyres contribute
we asked key party donator, jan heine about his views on the rift, after demanding he has no stake in it he said "[supressing a laugh] me? i dont care who wins as long as they keep buying my product [laughing some more]".
approaching notable beloved party favourite christopher kingsly we asked similar questions to the response of "fuck them, they always buy used, because of shit heads like this i've had to develop 3 new standards just this week to force people to buy direct"
it's fair to say this will not be wrapping up any time soon, but we will keep you posted
I am just waiting for anti-26erism to infest the party and bring it to near collapse. The executive need to deal with this but also be seen to deal with it FFS! Institutional Anti-26erism will haunt us for years.
in the ongoing infighting within wanker bikes, driven primarily by the radical left of the party supporting a return to chromoly and 29 inch wheels, fractures are showing. The often described as "sensible" edge, supporting two by drive trains and 26 inch wheels are coming under fire, they feel unjustly.
the argument poses that retro mtb politics are far too diluted for wanker hybrids to exist in long term, the user base is separated across parties such as ssmtb union party and the retro bike independence party, neither have had mainstream success in recent years. usually outperformed by far more attractive and conservative ideals of the drop bar movement. many of wanker bikes foundational members believe they should continue to capture the wild entry they had into the scene just weeks ago with the proposition of a new type of bike politics, wankery and arguably, financially irresponsible expenditure
the argument against this is that there is not enough wank to go around, people are desperate to get into such an emerging, radical movement which could be seen as elitist and authoritarian, by liberalising the entry requirements they could expect long term stability. the is mount defenders refute this, saying it's this milk toast, electorate chasing guff which lead to the recent destruction of the gravel bike party, as they let cx bike and road bikes with 30c tyres contribute
we asked key party donator, jan heine about his views on the rift, after demanding he has no stake in it he said "[supressing a laugh] me? i dont care who wins as long as they keep buying my product [laughing some more]".
approaching notable beloved party favourite christopher kingsly we asked similar questions to the response of "fuck them, they always buy used, because of shit heads like this i've had to develop 3 new standards just this week to force people to buy direct"
it's fair to say this will not be wrapping up any time soon, but we will keep you posted