On the other hand, four tubes seems like way too much. It’s called tubeless for a reason! One is fine if you’ve set everything up properly. Two if you are very worried. In four years of pretty wild trips I’ve only had to put a tube in twice and both have been after fairly catastrophic crashes.
I managed to pinch flat both tyres on a single day ride, and that was around Box Hill! I am scared I could do the same on day one and then would be shit scared with my only tubes inside the tyres.. you know I like to ride routes for which I am always undergeared, therefore these things happen to me.
Have you seen spotter’s tubeless repair kit guide? Might even be linked in the first post.
Yep Yep
Always bring sealant. If you get a big cut, by the time you’ve sealed it with a worm or three a load of sealant will have been lost, and it’s pretty key to put some back in. That’s why a strong pump like those Lezyne ones are also useful.
On the other hand, four tubes seems like way too much. It’s called tubeless for a reason! One is fine if you’ve set everything up properly. Two if you are very worried. In four years of pretty wild trips I’ve only had to put a tube in twice and both have been after fairly catastrophic crashes.
Have you seen spotter’s tubeless repair kit guide? Might even be linked in the first post. That’s still the go to. Man, I love tubeless worms.