Your ceiling seems like a different case.
Yes it is. I brought it up because a conventional approach would be that it ‘all has to come down’.
But that approach isn’t always best ...There is actually an old school fix for a blown plaster and lath ceiling which is to support it from below, raise the floor boards above, remove the plaster base coat that has squeezed through the lath where the bond to the ceiling is broken and repair those areas with poured over plaster.
I’ve never tried this but I would have if the boards above didn’t go under a huge piece of fitted furniture I built to divide the master bedroom in to 2 separate rooms for the little masters.In the states (NYC) I came across a renovation scrim that’s basically a metre wide (yard) roll of glass scrim tape, it gets stuck over problem walls and ceilings then skimmed over. I couldn’t find any here, hence my invention.
I was a bit tired! Had a lie down and now everything seems less annoying :)
I can't really see enough from the pictures to have enough of an idea what the hallway walls might be like overall. Having tackled a few jobs like that I do remember the feeling that it might have been better to have stripped it all. Totally understand the issues around dust and why this is the kind of thing usually done when a house is empty.
I would have a few concerns about continuing to strip it if it were my hallway given the hours it might take before it can be made good. How I would actually approach it in this situation I couldn't tell without being on site, looks like it needs careful handling to avoid it becoming a massive time sink.
I've seen hallways stripped to the brickwork and d&d pb on a diy basis with some success but the overall condition of the house comes into play with those levels of dust. As one of these jobs was the neighbours side of our party wall I can say it left much less soundproofing between the properties.
Your ceiling seems like a different case. I have a plaster boarded one in my flat front room because the entire ceiling fell down a couple of years before I moved in. Probably a combination of factors including the upstairs neighbours not being light on their feet. Your solution with the rendering scrim seems to work well. We all have greater or lesser talents with different materials and that's why it's good to have different people giving opinions.