Got a text yesterday afternoon at 12, look at couple of times for a time slot as everytime I checked there was either within an hour of the dates or I had to wait about two weeks till a suitable time clot ocurred.
But after a couple of time of refreshing at 3pm there was a slot for 18:20, took that and thought it would be a 'jab and go' situation but the queue was unblieveable and almost took an hour before I got my first dose. (Pfizer)
Long story short, got my first jab and no side affect so far and next appointment will be on the 29th.
Got a text yesterday afternoon at 12, look at couple of times for a time slot as everytime I checked there was either within an hour of the dates or I had to wait about two weeks till a suitable time clot ocurred.
But after a couple of time of refreshing at 3pm there was a slot for 18:20, took that and thought it would be a 'jab and go' situation but the queue was unblieveable and almost took an hour before I got my first dose. (Pfizer)
Long story short, got my first jab and no side affect so far and next appointment will be on the 29th.