Turley's offer to Skwawkbox and the Union was to retract and apologise and she'd drop the legal case. Unite instead chose to waste their members money on fighting it - the same Unite who were in favour of Labour fighting the antisemitism whistleblowers in court, by the way.
Unite in the headlines again after Len's successor Howard Beckett made prima facie racist comments about Priti Patel - now suspended from Labour and almost certain to be kicked out (and off the Labour NEC to boot). https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/may/13/unite-leadership-nominee-apologises-for-tweeting-priti-patel-should-be-deported
Again I have no problem with the union model in general but those arguing that the current model works need to be able to justify this kind of thing, or accept that reform is needed.
A timely reminder of what happens when unions and labour get too close - unite wasting £1.3 million of its members money supporting a Corbyn-loyalist blog after it libelled Anna Turley.