So, I’d like to add a few auxiliaries to the XJ600. Namely USB charger and maybe some lights.
On the GN and the DR I have previously wired directly to the battery, with separate fuse and switch. However now I’m wondering about having something switched to the ignition, for all those benefits.
Ideally I’d hard wire a relay and a separate fuse box, to keep everything isolated and safe.
Although I may hard-wire elsewhere, does anyone have experience piggybacking from a fused connection with one of these add-a-circuit jobs?
So, I’d like to add a few auxiliaries to the XJ600. Namely USB charger and maybe some lights.
On the GN and the DR I have previously wired directly to the battery, with separate fuse and switch. However now I’m wondering about having something switched to the ignition, for all those benefits.
Ideally I’d hard wire a relay and a separate fuse box, to keep everything isolated and safe.
Although I may hard-wire elsewhere, does anyone have experience piggybacking from a fused connection with one of these add-a-circuit jobs?
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