product differentiation bullshit or people designing stuff who don't know the tolerances which can be held during fabrication. (Blame the engineers)
I don't know of any framebuilders who are measuring the angles with any sort of accuracy to be able to hit those numbers. Your standard anglefinder reads to either 0.1 or 0.05 but in reality are only accurate to +-0.2 degrees.
Why do some frames/bikes have really specific part degree head and seat tube angles?
I've noticed it before but this Erikson in the classifieds just reminded me about it. 71.7 hta and 72.7 sta. Why wouldn't you just make it 72 and 73?
I kinda start with the hta and sta when I'm drawing up my design for a frame, is it just a case of other measurements have taken priority for that builder and that's where the angles have ended up?