Ah yes, mine is running off a desktop, so get to use the full capability, I have connected a second cable going to the desktop so that I can run it PBP mode, which is useful when I am presenting.
I need to get round to modifying a gas arm to hold mine at some point, as it is still on the stand, which is fine, but would like it to be probably 5cm further away from me.
Be interested in seeing your setup with the secondary monitor, I flirted with the idea, but couldn't quite work out where I would put it to make the most of it.
I took delivery of my LC49G95TSSRXXU last week.
It feels a bit silly just now, as I'm running it in 2560 x 1080 at 59.94Hz, which is all my laptop can handle.
The monitor arm also doesn't go high enough, so I'm building a riser out of that lump of glued together 18mm ply and a few 200mm M10 bolts.
The 27 inch monitor on the pole is waiting for a gas arm so that I can position it either above or to the side of the 49"