Looking at some info online, the outer bearing is marginally bigger on those Vaults than the tiny ones I was complaining about. But still quite tiny, wouldn't be surprised if I had to change them once or twice a year. Can't offer a better alternative without some research. The flat pedal thread is a bit dead recently but someone there might be more useful. I can't fault my current bmx pedals but they're very bmx (heavy, plastic, bushings mean they don't spin very freely)
Looking at some info online, the outer bearing is marginally bigger on those Vaults than the tiny ones I was complaining about. But still quite tiny, wouldn't be surprised if I had to change them once or twice a year. Can't offer a better alternative without some research. The flat pedal thread is a bit dead recently but someone there might be more useful. I can't fault my current bmx pedals but they're very bmx (heavy, plastic, bushings mean they don't spin very freely)