One thing you can say for Zwift is that it works very well on low end/older graphics. I've moved from my desktop with fairly high end RTX 2060s, which for some reason Zwift isn't stable on, to an old business laptop with Intel HD520, and the difference is minimal. I think the shadows are a bit different and you don't get a headlight at night.
However, the desktop (which I've just realised is a decade old) is great for GTBikeV.
One thing you can say for Zwift is that it works very well on low end/older graphics. I've moved from my desktop with fairly high end RTX 2060s, which for some reason Zwift isn't stable on, to an old business laptop with Intel HD520, and the difference is minimal. I think the shadows are a bit different and you don't get a headlight at night.
However, the desktop (which I've just realised is a decade old) is great for GTBikeV.