These are really useful and easy to adjust.
More versatile than just a laminate trimmer.
In my mate’s workshop he uses it in preference to his Festool (which he might have sold by now)
I use mine for cutting hinge mortises and all sorts of little routing tings.
These are really useful and easy to adjust.
More versatile than just a laminate trimmer.
In my mate’s workshop he uses it in preference to his Festool (which he might have sold by now)
I use mine for cutting hinge mortises and all sorts of little routing tings.
If you’re only using very occasionally something like this.¤cy=GBP&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=Cj0KCQjwp86EBhD7ARIsAFkgakh23obSBmlk_nxTMxGbehYI67keuY2nSm9A6LmOans5l5P0Oe9_cN0aAv_zEALw_wcB