I don't generally keep my starter that fired up, and like to warm it up for 2/3 feeds before using, so in that sense it's less effort.
With this method I don't do any folds per-se, my routine for it is; mix everything up at 10pm, leave to ~7-8am, knock it back (not fold, literally just turn edges into centre), leave for an hr, shape, leave for 1-2hrs, stick in oven.
So in terms of the less hassle proclamation from me, perhaps if you've got a warmed up starter and are not doing any stretch and fold, it's similar. I currently have a rye-fed starter and find that 6x stretch and fold over 3hrs works well for me but does add in the hassle.
Either way I think it's a good option - if you've not warmed up the starter and want a quick loaf
I've watched that video last night, I don't actually feel like it's a lot less work than doing the same with a sourdough starter vs yeast in terms of effort. With the introduction of the folds in the methods it actually makes it just as hands on no?