Kitchen fitting is the mother of invention.
Birch ply looks v good.
Did you cut that yourself?
I would recommend going around all the edges with a laminate trimmer with a bearing chamfer bit - if you haven’t already (they look pretty sharp) this will make them much longer lasting.I’m after a rotary cut Douglas fir faced ply at a decent price to make drawer and door fronts for my bathroom if anyone has a lead.
Interesting, I'm definitely keen to make them longer lasting. What kind of profile would that leave?
After much wrangling about the cutting I got them CNC'd. Partly as I thought it would save time and partly because the work top cost a small fortune and I couldn't face the doors not doing the work top justice as it were.
In the end there were other issues that slowed the project down, and if I was doing it again I would just spend a bit more money on a nice track saw. I've messed up a couple of measurements so will need to cut some new doors anyway.
Where there's a will there's a clamping force.
Kitchen starting to look like one at last.