@sb88 no problem. can you send me pictures when you get the time? no particular rush
Here you go. Dusty but used on maybe 3 rides ever. No tears/abrasion/loose stitches etc. Not to dissuade you but most of my rides prefer panniers unless it's more bumpy/overgrown.
I could clean it but I charge big bucks for sponge washes ;)And how it looks on a bicycleL https://www.wiggle.co.uk/restrap-frame-bag-small-1?lang=en&curr=GBP&dest=1&sku=100332411&utm_source=google&utm_term=&utm_campaign=&utm_medium=base&gclid=CjwKCAjwhMmEBhBwEiwAXwFoESH9SmssWAtA6GZtQNRNEaWQf-74LGiacjaIFX1FkGL3Y7EFi4nQfxoCvhIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
@ryanchan26 Not immediately: this one, lightly used: Probably £20 plus £3 postage.