I think his response on those two were his weakest and on the taskforce at least he should've been stronger - the taskforce isn't just Bingham and opposing Bingham doesn't mean you oppose a taskforce-led rollout - but no, I didn't hear a skewering. They were two relatively familiar areas of attack, and the second one at least was fair criticism.
You're right, it wasn't a skewering. But he could have been SO much stronger on those ones. Just very wishy washy. It was almost like the fire/passion had gone a bit. No way is that going to change anyone's mind.
The vaccine thing is so frustrating. I mean, it's great that thousands of people aren't going to die but the Tories are just going to use it to bash Labour over the head ad infinitum.
When you say excellent interview, do you mean the Today programme did an excellent job of skewering him by saying Labour opposed the lady who got all the vaccines and if it was down to them we'd still be in Europe and have a crap vaccine pipeline? Cos that's what I heard.
I wanted him to do well but that was really not great.