I grew up in the UK so the birds there are much more familiar to me, and I love seeing the pictures of them in this thread. But all the great pictures here finally tempted me into buying a telephoto lens so I could share some of the birds we get here.
^nice! Are these in Vancouver or somewhere further south?
Thanks! These are from Vancouver (well, Delta, which is a little way south of Vancouver proper). They are both migratory, and have only just got here. Although these orioles are not particularly rare I've never seen one before and it was pretty exciting. We watched it rummaging around in the apple blossom for quite a while.
I grew up in the UK so the birds there are much more familiar to me, and I love seeing the pictures of them in this thread. But all the great pictures here finally tempted me into buying a telephoto lens so I could share some of the birds we get here.
Thanks! These are from Vancouver (well, Delta, which is a little way south of Vancouver proper). They are both migratory, and have only just got here. Although these orioles are not particularly rare I've never seen one before and it was pretty exciting. We watched it rummaging around in the apple blossom for quite a while.