I've done a North Sea loop which included these two sections which should be quite useful.
Dunkirk to Sluis (first town in Holland) but passes through Brugge.
The route: https://www.strava.com/routes/28714991
Care re getting out of Dunkirk port, it can be difficult to navigate
The video is actually of us riding Dunkirk to Brugge on a different trip but is the same roads and I like the vid: Let Me Go
I've done a North Sea loop which included these two sections which should be quite useful.
Dunkirk to Sluis (first town in Holland) but passes through Brugge.
The route: https://www.strava.com/routes/28714991
Care re getting out of Dunkirk port, it can be difficult to navigate
The video is actually of us riding Dunkirk to Brugge on a different trip but is the same roads and I like the vid: Let Me Go
Sluis to Hook of Holland, a great day that involves island hopping, crossing bridges & dykes and jumping on and off ferries
The route: https://www.strava.com/routes/28715090
The video: In Hell I'll be in Good Company