Yeah if your lighter weight and are riding in more moderate weather then you'll benefit from lighter oil. Also Rockshox oil is to viscose really, even stepping down one weight and using better oil will have a marked improvement.
Were you riding with no rebound? As the main difference make is on the compression?
Lighter oil didn't really make much difference with Fox forks, possibly because the oil they use is already fairly light. Also when you open it up you might find it wasn't assembled like they suggest you service it... Nothing like an inch of grease on air spring to block your transfer ports.
Rebound is four clicks from max (from the sheet, I’m assuming 10 clicks available as I don’t have the shock), the overall tune of the shock is described as “a light compression tune”, and he’s replaced 7 weight oil with 5. That probably means a lot more to you than it does to me- what I can report is that when I originally changed the old shock for the new the bike felt much, much more lively- jumped into the air when before it lumbered.
Had a note from Fin at Full Factory Suspension - shock and fork should be with me tomorrow.
He's adjusted the shock for what he thinks will work - lighter weight oil for faster rebound which apparently suits the fully-floating design (this is over my head).