Also... to those who recommended staying on WhatsApp, or moving to Telegram... is it not somewhat clear why those in tech and tech security recommend Signal? It is a different breed altogether even if it just appears to be another messaging app.
Yep. A few more joined a couple of months ago when the Whatsapp privacy policy was updated but no more for months. It's a hard sell for a product that isn't as good in terms of functionality.
For me it was simply a case of refusing to use shite options and get people to use Signal if they want to talk to me. Maybe it helps being a psychopath but friends don't let friends use Whatsapp.
Signal doing the good Signal thing:
Also... to those who recommended staying on WhatsApp, or moving to Telegram... is it not somewhat clear why those in tech and tech security recommend Signal? It is a different breed altogether even if it just appears to be another messaging app.