Related to the above post, I need to replace a counter end slab with a wall bracket to make space for the new pipe run. Will a few bits of 2x2 jammed in be enough to support the to while I get a bracket on or should I invest in a small acrow prop?
Also worth getting the plumber to use 22mm? I'm assuming this might help the drop in pressure from the combi boiler to the shower when taps are run, but my knowledge of plumbing is limited at best. There would still be a length of 15mm from the main up to the boiler unless I replace that, which would probably be a massive hassle.
Our countertop has been held up with a couple of 2x2s for the last 4 months without issue. I might get round screwing the brace into the wall at some point as the new kitchen has plummeted down the priority list.
Related to the above post, I need to replace a counter end slab with a wall bracket to make space for the new pipe run. Will a few bits of 2x2 jammed in be enough to support the to while I get a bracket on or should I invest in a small acrow prop?
Also worth getting the plumber to use 22mm? I'm assuming this might help the drop in pressure from the combi boiler to the shower when taps are run, but my knowledge of plumbing is limited at best. There would still be a length of 15mm from the main up to the boiler unless I replace that, which would probably be a massive hassle.