It flourished in that spot for many years. Then the cats attacked it a bit and it hasn't recovered. I've tried watering less, watering more, topped up the soil a bit, fed it a tiny bit. But it's looking worse, not better. It was glorious a couple of years ago. Not sure what to do and would really like to save it from terminal decline.
Could it be potbound? Repot into fresh compost, with a root haircut? No idea if this is good for date palms but it has worked wonders for other large houseplants.
My date palm is not happy.
It flourished in that spot for many years. Then the cats attacked it a bit and it hasn't recovered. I've tried watering less, watering more, topped up the soil a bit, fed it a tiny bit. But it's looking worse, not better. It was glorious a couple of years ago. Not sure what to do and would really like to save it from terminal decline.
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