New discovery since moving to the UK: Portable squeeze-bottle bidets. You fill it in from the sink, scoot to the edge of the seat and "insert it" towards the bowl from behind to "wash up". Very practical, pressure is adequate as long as it's filled up, reduces waste. Of course wiping with normal / dry TP after that operation might/will leave you with some white dingleberries, so finishing up with wet toilet tissues (Andrex et al.) is recommended.
Is the bottle best filled as you enter the room before going into the cubicle or do you do the business, scamper out with pants round the ankles and fill it up then scoot back to the hopefully still unoccupied cubicle to clean up?
How did I miss this thread?
New discovery since moving to the UK: Portable squeeze-bottle bidets. You fill it in from the sink, scoot to the edge of the seat and "insert it" towards the bowl from behind to "wash up". Very practical, pressure is adequate as long as it's filled up, reduces waste. Of course wiping with normal / dry TP after that operation might/will leave you with some white dingleberries, so finishing up with wet toilet tissues (Andrex et al.) is recommended.