I've just tried holding the USB down against the board with the cable plugged in and it charges.
So that means:
the pins are aok
2.it's the mounting points/feet that's fucked
A friction fit can make it work.
I am thinking if I can resolder the feet it should work. Then connect a pigtail to move the plugging and unplugging away from the port.
I did wonder about super glue instead of solder as it removes the risk of heat. But that can be messy. Although I guess I'd just clean it up with acatate(sp?).
I've just tried holding the USB down against the board with the cable plugged in and it charges.
So that means:
2.it's the mounting points/feet that's fucked
I am thinking if I can resolder the feet it should work. Then connect a pigtail to move the plugging and unplugging away from the port.
I did wonder about super glue instead of solder as it removes the risk of heat. But that can be messy. Although I guess I'd just clean it up with acatate(sp?).