I helped my 90 year old neighbour by pruning his in December. The trees have male and female bits and you need one of each to produce pears. I'm including a more scientific description of this because I thought he was taking the p**s when he told me.
The common fruit trees of Europe - apples, pears, cherries, plums and so on generally carry flowers that have male and female parts. For fruit to form, the female part (pistil) must receive pollen from the male part (stamen) of another flower preferably from a different but compatible variety of the same species.
Do you have 2 or is there another one in a garden nearby? If so you might have a bumper crop of pears in late summer.
In any case you can dazzle your friends with your knowledge of pear tree sex at barbecues all summer now.
Yes, 'tree guy' is the correct terminology. You could put notes on local lamposts "Seeking lumberjack to handle my wood, must have a big chopper etc. etc."
I helped my 90 year old neighbour by pruning his in December. The trees have male and female bits and you need one of each to produce pears. I'm including a more scientific description of this because I thought he was taking the p**s when he told me.
The common fruit trees of Europe - apples, pears, cherries, plums and so on generally carry flowers that have male and female parts. For fruit to form, the female part (pistil) must receive pollen from the male part (stamen) of another flower preferably from a different but compatible variety of the same species.
Do you have 2 or is there another one in a garden nearby? If so you might have a bumper crop of pears in late summer.
In any case you can dazzle your friends with your knowledge of pear tree sex at barbecues all summer now.