That's interesting about the hand hygiene, I've been carrying a little sanitiser bottle in my saddle bag since covid. I'll keep that then, I never thought about that but if you're eating on the go and stopping at various places then the risk of picking up any germs is very high.
Also love that story below about gaining 10 places just to get some chocolate milk!
I've never used hand sanitiser in races. I'm pretty gross so I don't know where else might be worse that other people are putting their hands in to get them sick! Haha
Pretty good gut here though, in beer retention size and ability to kill germs I guess.
That's interesting about the hand hygiene, I've been carrying a little sanitiser bottle in my saddle bag since covid. I'll keep that then, I never thought about that but if you're eating on the go and stopping at various places then the risk of picking up any germs is very high.
Also love that story below about gaining 10 places just to get some chocolate milk!