• #17702
Palm Springs on Prime is a fun watch.
• #17703
^ Absolutely agree 😀
• #17704
Beneath - on netflix.
Possibly one of the worst films I've seen in a while.Jaws-lite on a boating lake.
Acting is terrible but worth a watch just for the worst special effect killer fish.Hard to imagine it isn't a GCSE project film
• #17705
Jaws-lite on a boating lake
Sounds like Jaws 3, i'm in.
• #17706
Do they need people to make films like Love and Monsters or is this all done by machines now?
• #17707
Jaws 3 is a masterpiece by comparison.
• #17708
Apparently someone met Michael Caine and said Jaws 3 was a rubbish film. Caine said "I know. It's shit".
• #17709
Yet he still went and made Jaws The Revenge, madness.
• #17710
"I have never seen it, but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific!”
Michael Caine
FWIW I loved Jaws 4 when I was a kid.
• #17711
Mouchette This popped up in my nzb feed and in a wish to educate myself thought I'd give it a go. My goodness it's hard going. Had to view it with some guides as missing / not understanding some of the symbolism.
Think I need more of a lead in for this type of film. -
• #17712
Anything with Michael Caine in is awful. Michael Caine is awful.
• #17713
I think this is how things are made
• #17714
Awful actor, awful person, or both?
He's been in some great films IMO
• #17715
I watched Possessor by Brandon Cronenberg last night. Really really good. It's the first thing I've seen of his. Would recommend for fans of Mandy or other weird modern horror!
• #17716
Promising Young Woman
Not bad, pretty much what I thought the story would be, fairly predictable but enjoyable (if that's the right word) -
• #17717
Jacob's Wife, featuring Stuart Gordon regular, Barbara Crampton.
• #17718
Gregory's Girl, as good as it was 30 years ago this week.
Free to watch on youtube -
• #17719
Gregory's Girl, as good as it was 30 years ago this week.
• #17720
1980 -
• #17721
Mortal combat was enjoyable, Im not massive into the game but i though the film was fun and a decent action film.
• #17722
Watched the Queen film, didn't nearly cry at all.
• #17723
Not the lizard Queen, the good Queen Freddie.
• #17724
This is worth a watch ,If you've not already seen it -
BBC Two - A Life in Ten Pictures, Series 1, Freddie Mercury https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000tzf0
• #17725
Quantum of Solace - Unwatchable due to the editing.
Nobody was fun.
Comeback trail was an enjoyable tongue in cheek once upon a time in Hollywood, my brief doze in the middle didn't leave me missing much or wanting to catch up but worth a go.