Bit hard without understanding the drawings / property etc but...
From both a planning and party wall perspective the absolute maximum acceptable is for the centre line of the new wall to align with the centre line of the property boundary -essentially an extension of the existing party wall that your properties already share - so this is
approx 150mm on your land.Beyond that and they are building on land no sole owned by them (which is part of a planning declaration).
They cannot build anything without a party wall award which is the process to tie this all down. If they were to build it taller than the drawings/PD rights or significantly beyond the boundary line onto your property then I guess it's a candidate for planning enforcement.
Amazing – thank you!
The wall will ('should') be right on the party line. That's what started off the problems – the designs showed it over the line on our property.
The council didn't care about that, and that's where things started to unravel. If the council don't care about plans that are wrong, where do we stand once something is being built?
Thankfully, that issue seems to have been resolved with the neighbours, but we're still concerned about the apparent lack of attention to detail for everything else we've seen so far – hence the need for independent expert opinion.