Speaking from personal experience, you might find that you are more productive and alert if you allow yourself an hour a day to exercise.
Very much this too @TGR
It's very unlikely that you're able to give anything close to your best if you're slogging away for 16 hours a day. There's plenty of evidence to support regular exercise and breaks/naps halfway through the day.
Can be tough to shift the perception that more is always better in terms of being available, but it also shows that your work have fucked up in making you a single point of failure, and I'd wager you don't have the time or headspace to do anything but react to requests right now.
Again, easy to say, but I'd expect 12 hours a day, 1 hr exercise and 3 hours more sleep would see you getting more done than 16 hours a day and no time for anything else. (and 12 hours is still a lot)
Thanks for that. My wife has literally said the same thing about 5 mins ago! At the moment, it’s a difficult balance. I last had leave in August 2020 and I hope to get some time off next month but that’s not guaranteed at the moment. Everything is conspiring against me!😁😁