• #27
Hey I’m off to bed now but just wanted to say thanks to everyone for sharing your thoughts and info. I definitely feel better informed now and hopefully we’ll get a good result.
• #28
My understanding of the process; all the first preference votes are counted anyone who gets more than 50% wins outright this is unlikely outcome. I believe this is only possible for one candidate a, person I doubt that is Sadiq Khan. Personally I doubt he will, no candiate in all the Mayoral election has achieved this.
So there is a second round, where all but the top two drop out and peoples second preference votes are counted and one candidate wins. So it's ok to vote Green first pref and Khan second pref, the antis won't win by the back door and for me Khan is my second pref is a solid comment on his New Labour failings.
• #29
cyclists voting green meant that Khan didn’t get the 50%, it would be a strategic failure, right?
No, not under transferable votes. Khan will get lots of first choice, but possibly under 50%. Therefore a top two runoff is almost inevitable, probably khan vs bailey.
Most first choice green votes will have khan as second choice and therefore khan wins to the exclusion of the shitface bailey, but with a notable amount of votes that prefer green to him.
It's a great form of democracy that allows you to make your honest choice without fear that second best loses to worst choice.
• #30
This makes sense - thanks for explaining.
I didn't realise that it was so unlikely / impossible for a candidate to get 50%. If that's the case and the second choices will be counted, then may as well use the transfer to send a message.
Annoying that not all greens back LTNs though.
• #31
didn't realise that it was so unlikely / impossible for a candidate to get 50%. If that's the case and the second choices will be counted
Yeah, it's a good system that helps labour even when the national party is less popular, hence the Tories want to replace it with first past the post...
And of course if bailey scores 50% or more then any split green/labour vote will mathematically inevitably be under 50% and therefore the split vote is irrelevant.
And yeah, it's fairly mental that the greens could oppose ltns in general, but politicians going to politic I suppose.
• #32
politicians going to politic
lol. happy voting
• #33
I won't be voting for Green despite wanting to, because Sian Berry is anti GM and anti nuclear and that to me shows an underlying inability to understand evidence, so I have zero confidence in her ability to make any evidence based decisions at all.
• #34
Reasonable anti berry sentiments, but GM crops and nuclear power have little to do with local politics... The mayor can bugger around with roads, some housing. So worth holding your nose and voting for the pragmatic candidate?
• #35
anti nuclear and that to me shows an underlying inability to understand evidence
Can you expand or point me in the right direction?Oh. Energy not warheads. Nevermind.
• #36
I quite like the idea of London having it's own stockpile, to be honest.
In other news, I had a Lawrence whatitchops advert on my facebook feed today.
Does he think that he can get in on the taxi driver vote alone?
• #37
He's polling less than 1%.
He seems to have had a thing about cyclists ever since he almost murdered his own son by throwing him under the wheels of a passing cyclist. "Why can't they get a horse?" he demanded on Room 101.
• #38
He's polling less than 1%.
Tough race for this with him and Brian
• #39
he almost murdered his own son by throwing him under the wheels of a passing cyclist. "Why can't they get a horse?" he demanded on Room 101.
Wait, is there a real story here? And TF the BBC put that racist heroin needle on Room 101?
• #41
Bet he becomes PM in 2029
• #42
He'll be a) committed or b) a committed Marxist by 2029.
• #43
If that becomes true, I will burn you on a pyre as a witch.
• #44
So the reform party/brexit party have pop up on face booke claiming they will remove the congestion charge and ULEZ zones.
• #45
I'll happily wager Count Binface gets more votes.
• #46
• #47
• #48
The hand dryer in The Crown Uxbridge. Ridiculous:
• #49
All around that entire area has probably been touched by freaks who sit down to wipe.
• #50
some valid points but nothing about cyclists?! I am voting Laurence Fox
But fortunately Bailey is lamentable,
so I can vote Green/Sadiq and sleep soundly.