Removed the last of the Laurel hedge this afternoon - fair old amount of it. But I now have an extra 3 x 10m of garden which is south facing so lots of potential.
Gonna get someone in to chip it and grind the remaining stumps. I pulled two out by hand but it was too much hard graft for me.
Yeah - planners obviously gave zero fucks for a long time. We get on with her and she's happy the huge fence has come down and given her some sunlight back!
We liked the garden when we bought it but I've gotten quite into it, there's still an awful lot to get done mind!
Removed the last of the Laurel hedge this afternoon - fair old amount of it. But I now have an extra 3 x 10m of garden which is south facing so lots of potential.
Gonna get someone in to chip it and grind the remaining stumps. I pulled two out by hand but it was too much hard graft for me.