The hardware is solid and nice to operate and the operational logic is pleasing although it's not intuitive for me. Once I had the labels and shift/menu keys worked out it's been great. Just got to the modulation and songwriting level. It can take me a long time to learn that on these boxes.
It could benefit from a bigger screen but the screen is nicer to use than the OT.
Had a lot going on this weekend but I might have an example soon. It's a keeper for me but it might be expensive if you are still spending money on synths.
The NDLR is a proper headspinner.
The hardware is solid and nice to operate and the operational logic is pleasing although it's not intuitive for me. Once I had the labels and shift/menu keys worked out it's been great. Just got to the modulation and songwriting level. It can take me a long time to learn that on these boxes.
It could benefit from a bigger screen but the screen is nicer to use than the OT.
Had a lot going on this weekend but I might have an example soon. It's a keeper for me but it might be expensive if you are still spending money on synths.