I’ve no idea if the stockbroker guy is a douche or not but I love training and given the opportunity I’d definitely spend a couple of years seeing how fast I could get if I lived a pro lifestyle. I’m too old and I know my genetics are mediocre but I’d still love to see what’s possible.
Did I miss something here? I have no clue why that's called the stockbroker's position. Imo that's 'the points race breakaway position'. But then again hardly anyone watches track cycling I guess.
Xav says the stockbroker position is worth 35.5w over hoods (31w over drops) at 45km/h.
I’ve no idea if the stockbroker guy is a douche or not but I love training and given the opportunity I’d definitely spend a couple of years seeing how fast I could get if I lived a pro lifestyle. I’m too old and I know my genetics are mediocre but I’d still love to see what’s possible.