I’ve no idea if the stockbroker guy is a douche or not but I love training and given the opportunity I’d definitely spend a couple of years seeing how fast I could get if I lived a pro lifestyle. I’m too old and I know my genetics are mediocre but I’d still love to see what’s possible.
Really interesting, aerohoods position is similar to hooked pinkie position (on test rider) but I think hooked pinkie position might be more comfortable?
Also noteworthy that aerohoods is much faster than drops.
Xav says the stockbroker position is worth 35.5w over hoods (31w over drops) at 45km/h.
I’ve no idea if the stockbroker guy is a douche or not but I love training and given the opportunity I’d definitely spend a couple of years seeing how fast I could get if I lived a pro lifestyle. I’m too old and I know my genetics are mediocre but I’d still love to see what’s possible.