People at work have been trying to push me to cycle to site, the only issue with taking a change of clothes is that it's full PPE included steel toe cap boots and a hard hat...
I guess it's going to be more trial and error as at the moment, I have a very controlled environment with my riding so can plan everything with my nutrition. I'm going to do some long days in the run up to LEJOG so will test the shop bought nutrition then.
Challenge update:
I'm on day 84 now and I'm a bit behind from the knee injury but I'm very motivated to hit day 100 at 10,000km, as this feels like the first big milestone of this challenge. I'm definitely predicting life getting in the way more in September/October with a house move and potentially living between two places so will make the most of this summer by getting some miles banked then!
If it was me I'd definitely ride to sites as I like riding to somewhere with a purpose rather than always doing loops for the sake of it.
You could get a tailfin to carry your gear.
Or get a cheap second hand bike that will take a rack so you don't have to worry so much about security on site if that's an issue. Sometimes it's nice to ride a different bike for a change, and you really appreciate your best one after riding something a bit less slick.
Urgh. At least I was only deskbound. 500ml cans of Monster are you friend. (Or leave early and ride the 150mi with a change of clothes and a pack of wet wipes :) )
You want to start experimenting with what foods you like/tolerate now, not in the middle of LEJOG for sure.
Sweets do for sure mess up your mouth over multiple days. I mix them up with bread/pancakes/waffle/chocolates/flapjack type stuff that servos stock and the odd pack of nuts or crips for salt and fat. In the USA, trailmix is a great option as every gas station sells really good versions of it. UK/EU not so much. Various biscuits and cakes as well but off the bike you want to get proper food in for sure. Veggies and beans salads and good proteins and all that healthy shit people like me are rumoured to avoid but actually eat quite a lot of :)