Self fund does not usually equate to literally buying your way into a team.
He's basically an arrogant prick who thinks he's better than he actually is. Caused loads of crashes, insulted people, abandonded his family to sleep in an altitude tent as a 2nd cat and there are the rumours that his city boy dealers didn't just offer up coke.... He threw loads of money obsessing over absolutely everything to become good enough to pay to ride as a domestique in chipper pro races.
Caused loads of crashes, insulted people, abandonded his family to sleep in an altitude tent as a 2nd cat....
Fair enough. I assumed there must be some sort of egomaniacal behaviour attached to this story (possibly alongside whatever Sumo is alluding to).
If he was juicing right, wouldn’t he have been able to help Skinny close Arlen down though ;)
What’s the story with Richardson? I understand why some people don’t particularly admire his route into the sport but it does seem to be the case for domestic ‘pros’ that they have to self fund their careers for a certain amount of time because they get paid eff all.
Is he a bit of a whopper on top of that?
I personally enjoyed him winning solo at that race (Lincoln GP?) without a team a couple of years ago.
Edit: I know he lives in a big house and worked in finance but that increasingly seems to apply to half of this forum.