Is it on permanently or does it come on after driving for a while approx. 30mph and above?
If it is on all the time it could be any one of the sensors on the system, cheap OBD readers usually only do the engine faults not other systems, I use Foxwell scanners that are pretty good for the money. You can then use diagnostic mode to check sensor function.
If it comes on 30mph and above this can be pick up ring corrosion, it causes the ring to distort and wear away the end of the sensor increasing the air gap so the signal is weaker, eventually at higher speeds it cannot determine the signal and throws the light on. [edit to add] If a wheel speed sensor shows up as faulty check all the pick up rings for corrosion and signs of contact with the sensors, fitting a new sensor will decrease the airgap but only fix it for a few miles before wearing away again so don't get caught out.
This one does all models
https://www.foxwelltool.co.uk/wholesale/automaster-pro-nt624-full-system-scanner.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwyN-DBhCDARIsAFOELTndBksEbt_8t9UbVp1MnR51fiL2gfok9PuvA10eV14LPuCFWqarl9UaAo3IEALw_wcBOr get a vehicle specific one.
come on after driving for a while approx. 30mph and above?
That’s the one! Is the best course of action (short of buying the fox well reader), to just check each ring and sensor? I saw that cleaning the reluctor ring can solve the issue sometimes. I guess having a look is a decent starting point!
Top tekkers as always, thanks man!
@Fixedwheelnut ABS light has come on, as has the traction control light (the triangular one in the middle, usually comes on when you switch traction control off).
My cheap OBD reader doesn't give me any codes - should it? It is literally the cheapest one, is it worth buying a better one, or is it unlikely to show anything?
I'm assuming I'll need to replace an ABS sensor, but is there any way of diagnosing which corner the issue is coming from? I've seen some people saying that the sensor and reluctor ring may just need cleaning. Speedo is still working fine, but I don't know which sensors are used for that.