Once a file hasn't tweeted I've been unable to get it to tweet later by running the tweet step only (tweet2.py in my earlier screenshot). Maybe this means problem in the file? If the pi->phone hotspot or ssh connection is lost at any point could that cause it? It seems the only possible remaining explanation.
Fwiw: This is the one that didn't tweet yesterday I renamed it lake.mp4 once I'd scp'd it to the pi400 at home.
It shouldn't be that then unless my code is ticking the counter up by a huge number somehow?
It says elsewhere the error would be code 429 not 400 if a rate is exceeded too?
Either way the latest one just worked so that's a result.
One other thing might be a consequence of if the wifi connection drops at any point during the process or if my ssh connection becomes disconnected?
As I'm using mobile hotspot whilst out I was careful on todays to keep my phone close to the pi at all times and to look at the progress on juicessh frequently.