Needs must and I'm getting rid of a few things I've had lying around for far too long.
I bought this frame a long time ago, built it up once, realised it was too big and have had it sitting in the garage for far too long than it deserves. I've ridden it for maybe 10 miles max, before switching over to a smaller frame.
It's billed as size 56, but fits large and measures 59cm CTC.
It's been through a few moves, so there are a few scuffs here and there but all in all it's in pretty pristine condition (as you can see from the photos).
Looking for £180 including insured tracked postage ONO for the frame, which is located in Luxembourg.
Feel free to message if you've got any questions, and more info is also available here
Hi all,
Needs must and I'm getting rid of a few things I've had lying around for far too long.
I bought this frame a long time ago, built it up once, realised it was too big and have had it sitting in the garage for far too long than it deserves. I've ridden it for maybe 10 miles max, before switching over to a smaller frame.
It's billed as size 56, but fits large and measures 59cm CTC.
It's been through a few moves, so there are a few scuffs here and there but all in all it's in pretty pristine condition (as you can see from the photos).
Looking for £180 including insured tracked postage ONO for the frame, which is located in Luxembourg.
Feel free to message if you've got any questions, and more info is also available here
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