Yes. I have something like that in my kitchen (came with the house). Also two bins, I think 64l. We have a normal drawer above it. The bins are useful, I'd spec one if I was putting in a new kitchen. We use the front one for general black bag waste and the back one for recycling (no need for further sorting where we are).
Got one with 3 bins in it. 1 is for compost, the other two we keep for dry recycling. As round here they collect plastic and metal together one bin is dedicated to them, glass and paper go in the third one as they are easy to separate come bin night. Under a sink we have a fourth bin for landfill. Separating early makes recycling much less of a chore.
Anyone used something like this before? https://eastcoastkitchens.co.uk/bins-built-in-bins/1775-wesco-pullboy-z-600mm-80l-waste-bin-free-blum-runners-4004519035795.html