• Seen 3 new Defenders recently in the wild now. 2 in colour, 1 merced out.

    Initial thoughts are that in colours they look a bit naff. Sort of like they're trying to capture that FJ Cruiser vibe but lack the fun element. Top-to-toe in black does look good though. Much better than I wanted it to tbh.

    I'm sure my feelings will change as I see more on the school/nursery run, but overall I can't see this version lasting long and I think it will date very quickly and badly (much like the new Discos).

  • The stupid design-by-committee scowling sinister headlight expression completely ruins it for me. Reminiscent of Max Power barry boys putting slanted electrical tape over their Novas’ headlights to make them look ‘bad boy’.

    Most new cars look like they want to stab you; understandable on a jumped-up Audi RS3 or similar, but misplaced and ridiculous on a ‘Defender’ imo. As someone else said, these will age very badly.

    I still think the original pre-twinkly-LED-facelift black-plastic-trim Discovery 3 is a masterful, timeless example of modern, utilitarian styling.
