I've managed to nab a few off-cuts of PIR insulation board from a neighbour's job. It's double the thickness I'd want for my shed roof and I have about half enough to cover it.
...which prompts me to think I should cut the PIR in half, down the middle.
Would you put the foil facing in, or out? Bearing in mind the following:
black roof
will have a vapour barrier
will be made of off-cuts taped together with gaps roughly foamed
it's a shed
Gut says foil facing out/up because the shed has a black roof, and the air gap between the roof and the insulation is where I'd expect most moisture build up.
I've managed to nab a few off-cuts of PIR insulation board from a neighbour's job. It's double the thickness I'd want for my shed roof and I have about half enough to cover it.
...which prompts me to think I should cut the PIR in half, down the middle.
Would you put the foil facing in, or out? Bearing in mind the following:
Gut says foil facing out/up because the shed has a black roof, and the air gap between the roof and the insulation is where I'd expect most moisture build up.