I've found from playing around with seat settings over the years, if the driving position hasn't been designed from the beginning with an angled sporty position in mind, then putting myself in that slightly tilted back and legs angled up position on purpose ruins my back and legs. It ends up feeling boring and a bit van like but a lot more comfortable if you actually lower the front of the seat base to reduce pressure on the under side of your thighs. Crude diagram below:
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My E63 really is killing my back, my thinking on this has evolved a little and I think it may be because the seat base is very flat - whereas in the 911 the bucket holds you very tightly with legs pressed together, which my back seems to prefer.
I will try to get a long test drive from Mercedes for the S213 model to see if that's any different, but I think I'm going to get rid of it as I can't deal with back ache after an hour in the car.