I’ve been dredging up some of the old posts on here where the velosteer and slightly less so Ventura coaster hubs where spoken about. Now I’m looking to spend less than 20 on the hub as keeping the build to as cheap as possible(the shimano one is out the window). What’s the consensus on them these days as both seem to be available to buy for good prices! I know @edscoble had better things to say about the velosteer but has the build quality on the Ventura gotten better over the years or velosteer gone down hill?
I’ve been dredging up some of the old posts on here where the velosteer and slightly less so Ventura coaster hubs where spoken about. Now I’m looking to spend less than 20 on the hub as keeping the build to as cheap as possible(the shimano one is out the window). What’s the consensus on them these days as both seem to be available to buy for good prices! I know @edscoble had better things to say about the velosteer but has the build quality on the Ventura gotten better over the years or velosteer gone down hill?